
Labour - Employees - List Active Employees - Update Employee Information

Review tab

To create an employee review:

  1. Click on the Review tab.

  2. Click on the Create button.

  3. Select Current Review if the review is a recent review or Historical Review if it's a previous review that you want to record in CLEARVIEW.

    Historical Reviews will not impact the job and pay rate on record.

  4. Select the Date on which the review was conducted.

  5. Enter the name of the reviewer in Reviewed By.

  6. Select the Type of review from the drop-down list.

  7. Select the Rating from the drop-down list.

    Ratings can be managed in Employee Review Ratings.

    Click here to learn how to manage Employee Review Ratings.

  8. Enter any comments you'd like to record in Review Notes.

  9. Make changes to the job details* if required.

    Changes made to the Pay Rate will also reflect in the Job & Pay tab.

  10. Click on the Create* button to add any jobs that the employee has performed.

    Changes made to the Pay Rate will also reflect in the Job & Pay tab.

  11. Click on the Add* button to add any past pay rates you want to include in the records.

  12. Select on what basis you'd like to schedule the next employee review from the Next Review Timing drop-down list:

    • Date will let you select the date on which the review is due.

    • Hours Since Last Review will calculate when the review is due based on the number of hours set and the last review date recorded.

    • Total Hours Worked will let you set the number of hours that the employee must have worked before the review is due.

    • Re-Occuring will let you set a period at which each review is due.

  13. Select the details of the next review timing (Next Review Date*, Next Review Hours* or Effective Date* and Frequency*).

  14. Select the Next Review Type from the drop-down list.

  15. Click on the Add button at the bottom of the window.