
Labour - Employees - List Active Employees - Update Employee Information

Missed Shifts tab

To create a new missed shift:

  1. Click on the Missed Shifts tab.

  2. Click on the Create button.

  3. In the Missed Shifts Entry window:

    1. Select the Employee from the drop-down list.

    2. Select the job the employee was assigned for the shift from the Job drop-down list.

    3. Select the reason the employee missed the shift from the Missed Shift Reason drop-down list.

    4. If the shift was covered by another employee, select the employee from the Covered By drop-down list.

    5. Add notes or comments (if any) in the Comment box.

    6. Select the date and time the employee was scheduled to start their shift in Scheduled Time In.

    7. Select the date and time the employee was scheduled to end their shift in Scheduled Time Out.

    8. Select whether the employee gave notice from the Notice Given drop-down list.

    9. If you selected Yes in the Notice Given drop-down list, select the date and time at which the employee notified your organization in Notice*.

    10. Click on the Create button.