
Labour - Employees - List Active Employees - Update Employee Information

Review tab

To schedule the next employee review:

  1. Click on the Review tab.

  2. Select on what basis you'd like to schedule the next employee review from the Next Review Timing drop-down list:

    • Date will let you select the date on which the review is due.

    • Hours Since Last Review will calculate when the review is due based on the number of hours set and the last review date recorded.

    • Total Hours Worked will let you set the number of hours that the employee must have worked before the review is due.

    • Re-Occuring will let you set a period at which each review is due.

  3. Select the details of the next review timing (Next Review Date*, Next Review Hours* or Effective Date* and Frequency*).

  4. Select the Next Review Type from the drop-down list.

  5. Click on the Save button.

Click here to learn how to manage Alerts for employee reviews.