
Labour - Employees - List Active Employees - Update Employee Information

Skill Level tab

To enter information in the Skill Level* tab:

  1. Click on the Skill Level tab.

  2. Select the Assigned Store for which you want to map the skill levels for the employee from the drop-down list.

  3. Click on the Go button.

  4. Click on the skill level applicable for each of the positions Different from jobs, positions (or staff positions) are specific roles that employees can take on during a shift (like Cashier, Drive Thru Order Taker, Fry Cook, etc.) and can be used to ensure that all positions are covered when creating a schedule. for the employee.

    • Unable indicates that the employee is not able to work that position.

    • Mid indicates that the employee has some knowledge and skill to work the position.

    • Full indicates that the employee can effectively work the position.

  5. Click on the Update Employee button.

  6. Click on the OK button in the confirmation pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview..