
Labour - Employees - Create Employee

To manually create an electronic employee file:

  1. Fill in all relevant fields (descriptions of some of the fields are listed below):

    Highlighted fields with * are mandatory.

    Click here to learn how to manage the fields that appear on the page in Employee File Controls.

    • Enter the name that the employee would like to be known as in Preferred Last Name* and Preferred First Name*.

    • Place a checkmark in the Use Preferred Name as Display Name box if you'd like the employee's preferred name to be used in CLEARVIEW instead of their legal name, where applicable.

    • The Employee Number can be manually entered or auto generated.

      Click here to learn how to manage Employee Numbers.

    • The SIN/SSN is the employee's Social Insurance Number or Social Security Number.

    • Enter the payroll Department code to group employees by department.

    • Enter the percentage used to increase labour cost reporting (to cover additional expenses such as benefits, vacation payout Cash removed from a register for payments (paying a window cleaner, tipping a delivery person, etc.)., etc.) in Benefit %*.

      The Benefit % field is displayed only if Benefit Determination is set to Employee.

      Click here to learn how to change the Benefit Determination control in Payroll.

    • Select the employment Category from the drop-down list:

      • Part Time: Will include the employee in the part time group for payroll.

      • Full Time: Will include the employee in the full time group for payroll.

      • Mid Management: Will include the employee in the mid management group for payroll.

      • Management: Will include the employee in the management group for payroll.

    • Select Yes from the Send Information to Payroll Provider drop-down list to include the employee data and time cards in payroll exports (Time Card Summary and Employee Data Export), or No to exclude the employee.

    • Select Yes from the Calculate Overtime drop-down list to calculate overtime hours and pay based on Regional Employment Standards, or No to exclude the employee from overtime calculations.

    • Select Yes from the Exported to Payroll* drop-down list to exclude the employee from the New Employee Extract for applicable payroll packages generated through Employee Data Export, or No to include it in the next New Employee Extract.

  2. Click on the Create button.

You have now created an electronic employee file with the basic information for the employee. The next slides will provide you with the steps to add data into the rest of the tabs in the electronic employee file.