Display Recipe
Difficulty Level - Expert

The Display Recipe settings page can be reached by clicking on the Recipe ID or Recipe Description on any of the pages that contain it.

The following information is displayed in the Description tab:

  • Recipe ID: The unique reference number assigned to the recipe for easy identification.

  • Description (Language): The name of the recipe in the language indicated.

  • Memo: Any notes made regarding the recipe.

The following information is displayed in the Elements tab:

The Elements tab displays only the direct elements of the recipe. To view all the elements (including inventory items that form a sub-recipe A recipe that's also included as an element in another recipe.) see the Resulting Usage tab.

The following information is displayed in the Resulting Usage tab:

  • Costing Store: The store for which the costs of the elements are displayed in the table below.

  • Ingredient Results:

    • Show only items with usage will display only inventory items for which the actual units is more than zero.

    • Show all items will display all the inventory items included in the recipe, including those with actual units as zero.

  • Items: The name of the inventory item that's either directly or indirectly an ingredient in the recipe.

    Click on the name of an inventory item to view the Resulting Usage - Recipe Structure page, where the units included in the recipe and assumptions applied, along with the structure that maps the inventory item to the menu item is displayed.

  • Actual Units: The actual quantity of the inventory item included in the recipe after taking any mapped sales assumption into consideration.

  • Measure: The unit of measurement in which the actual units of the item is given.

  • Cost: The invoiced cost of the actual units of the element using FIFO First In First Out - an assumption that the oldest items are used first and hence costed accordingly..

  • Total: The total cost of all the inventory items in the recipe.

The following information is displayed in the Where Applied tab:

  • The Recipes that have this recipe in its subrecipe lists all recipes that include this recipe as an element.

  • The Recipes with the related Menu Item lists all the recipes (including sub-recipes) that contain this recipe and the menu items they are mapped to.

Report links:

  • Clicking on the name of a recipe opens the Display Recipe page for that recipe.

  • Clicking on the name of a menu item opens the Menu Item Update page for that menu item.

Contact your CLEARVIEW Support Team to create, edit and delete recipes, and to map them to menu items.