What is the difference between Forecasted PLU Build-To's (or Forecasted Product Mix) and Forecasted Case Yields?

Forecasted PLU Product Look-Up code is the numeric code used in Point of Sale systems to identify a menu item that is sold to a customer. Build-To's and Forecasted Case Yields are two options provided to calculate the forecasted theoretical usage The estimated usage of an inventory item based on menu item sales, recipes mapped to the menu items, sales assumptions and waste recorded. of inventory items. The forecasted theoretical usage The estimated usage of an inventory item based on menu item sales, recipes mapped to the menu items, sales assumptions and waste recorded. in turn is used to calculate the suggested ordering build-to's for purchase orders.

Forecasted PLU Build-To's

The forecasted PLU Product Look-Up code is the numeric code used in Point of Sale systems to identify a menu item that is sold to a customer. build to's The stock level that must be met through purchases., also known as Forecasted Product Mix, is generated through the Forecasting page and is calculated based on the number of units sold in the selected trend weeks Past weeks that can be considered the trend for the week being forecasted. The data of trend weeks is used in the calculation of forecasts. (controls for which are available in the Forecasting settings).

Forecasted PLU Product Look-Up code is the numeric code used in Point of Sale systems to identify a menu item that is sold to a customer. Build-To's can be selected as the default calculation method for individual inventory items by placing a checkmark against the control on the Inventory Item Information page.

Forecasted Case Yields

The case yield (also known as sales yield) is a comparison of the item usage to sales for the period. Case yields are calculated by dividing sales by the amount of inventory used for the same period (the inventory used is calculated using past physical counts and purchases made during the period). The controls for calculating case yields are available in the Sales Yield Worksheet settings.

Forecasted case yields is calculated by dividing the forecasted sales by the case yield Used interchangably with sales yield, case yield is a comparison of the item usage to sales for the period. for the inventory item.

For inventory items that have the Use Forecasted PLU Build-To's disabled on the Inventory Item Information page, the case yields will be used to calculate theoretical usage The estimated usage of an inventory item based on menu item sales, recipes mapped to the menu items, sales assumptions and waste recorded..