The Payouts Cash removed from a register for payments (paying a window cleaner, tipping a delivery person, etc.). report is a comprehensive list of all payments made using cash from a register (paying a window cleaner, tipping a delivery person, etc.) for the period selected.

The information in this report includes data received from your POS system Point Of Sale system - the system/register used to bill customers and track sales. as well as data entered manually via the Daily Entry > Payouts page.


The following information is displayed on the page (if there are no tabs) or in the Payouts tab for the Area*, Store and Period selected using the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. at the top of the page:

  • Store*: The name of the store that made the payment.

    The Store column is displayed only if the Store selected is All* or Consolidated*.

  • Date*: The date on which the payment was made.

    The Date column is not displayed if the Period selected is Daily or ~~~Live~~~*..

  • Paid To: The name of the person or organization that the payment was made to.

  • Category: The category in which the payment is grouped.

  • Cashier: The cashier that made the payment.

  • Station: The register from which the payment was made.

  • Amount: The base amount (before taxes) of the payment made.

  • Tax^: The taxes on the base amount, if applicable.

  • Total: The total payment made.

    Total = Amount + Tax^

Status of Live Activity*

The Status of Live Activity report indicates the status of transactions received from POS stations The register or counter at which a transaction is recorded..

The Status of Live Activity section is only displayed if the Period selected is ~~~ Live ~~~*.

Filter Information*

The Filter Information tab is only available for individual stores if the Period selected is Daily, the Date selected is within the last seven days and the POS system Point Of Sale system - the system/register used to bill customers and track sales. used by your organization supports the transmission of live data.

The following information is displayed in the Filter Information tab:

TO VIEW A PAYOUTS Cash removed from a register for payments (paying a window cleaner, tipping a delivery person, etc.). REPORT:

  1. Open the Payouts page.

  2. Select the Area* and Store for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list(s).

  3. Select the Period for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.

    ~~~ Live ~~~ is available as an option only for individual stores if the POS system Point Of Sale system - the system/register used to bill customers and track sales. used by your organization supports the transmission of live data.

  4. Select the specifics of the period* (Term*, Date*, Year*, Week*, Week Ending*, Month*, Quarter*, From*, To*, Accounting Period*) from the drop-down list(s).

  5. Click on the Go button.

  • ClosedTo apply constraints to the information displayed:

    Only available for individual stores if the POS system Point Of Sale system - the system/register used to bill customers and track sales. used by your organization supports the transmission of live data, AND

    • The Period selected is ~~~Live~~~ OR

    • The Period selected is Daily and the Date selected is within the last seven days.

    1. Click on the Filter Information* button or the Filter Information* tab.

    2. In the Information Settings box:

      • Select the Order Point* for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.

      • Select the Destination for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.

      • Select the Station for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.

      • Select the Cashier for which you want to view the report from the drop-down list.

      • Select the Time Period from the From and To drop-down lists.

    3. Click on the Apply Settings button.

*optional section or field that may or may not be visible depending on the settings selected, whether the supplier is integrated or not, etc.

^or HST or GST and/or PST or VAT/VAT Exempt (as per your location)