Inventory - Inventory Item Master List
Active: A checkmark in this column indicates that the item is presently included in the Inventory Item by Location settings for stores in your organization, while an empty box indicates that it's not.
Each store has the option of choosing to include Active items from the Master List in their inventory not in Inventory Items by Location.
Description:The name of the inventory item.
Click on a Description to open the Inventory Item Information window for that item.
Sub-Category:The sub-category under which the inventory item is classified.
Measure: Also referred to as U.O.M (Unit Of Measurement), it is the unit of measurement used when an inventory item is included in a recipe..
Ordering Control:
Yes indicates that the forecasted product mix generated through the Forecasting page is used to calculate the theoretical usage The estimated usage of an inventory item based on menu item sales, recipes mapped to the menu items, sales assumptions and waste recorded. for the item.
No indicates that either the theoretical usage The estimated usage of an inventory item based on menu item sales, recipes mapped to the menu items, sales assumptions and waste recorded. isn't being tracked, or if it is being tracked, the forecasted case yield Used interchangably with sales yield, case yield is a comparison of the item usage to sales for the period. is used to calculate the theoretical usage The estimated usage of an inventory item based on menu item sales, recipes mapped to the menu items, sales assumptions and waste recorded..