Inventory - Suppliers
To Set-up Export Parameters for the Supplier
Check the Area* and Store displayed in the filters Drop-down boxes that let you select from the options available. at the top of the page.
Change it to the store for which you want to edit the controls if required, and then click on the Go button
Enter or edit the name of the supplier in Vendor Name as required.
Select the Province/State from the drop-down list.
Enter or edit the Class used by your accounting package, if applicable.
Enter or edit the Tax^ Account number(s).
Enter or edit the Shipping Acct number.
Select whether you'd like to export the transactions by Category or Sub-Category from the Extract Method drop-down list.
Click on the Update button to save any changes made.
Click on the OK button in the confirmation pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview..
Click on the Customize button.
In the Supplier Store Params window:
Enter the account number to map each Category or Sub-Category to the correct fields in the accounting software in the Item Account column.
Click on the Update button.
If the accounting parameters (shown in the Supplier Store Params window) have already been set up for another store in your organization and are the same as the store you're setting up, you can copy them instead of mapping each one. See the next slide for details.