
Labour - Payroll Earnings Table

  1. Enter the code to map the pay type with the correct area of your payroll app The application or software used by your organization to manage payroll. in Earnings Code.

    CLEARVIEW requires an Earnings Code for each pay type that will be extracted to your payroll app The application or software used by your organization to manage payroll.. If your payroll app The application or software used by your organization to manage payroll. does not use earnings codes, enter any value in Earnings Code.

  2. Select Hours from the Info Type drop-down list to include the pay data as the number of hours worked in the extract file generated through the Time Card Summary page or Amount to include it as the calculated pay amount.

  3. Select Yes from the Extract? drop-down list to include the associated time card type in the extract file generated through the Time Card Summary page, or No to exclude it.

  4. Repeat the above steps for every pay type that you want to map.

  5. Click on the Submit button.

  6. Click on the OK button in the confirmation pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview..