
Labour - Employees - List Active Employees - Update Employee Information

Availability tab

To enter the preferred availability of the employee for a store:

  1. Click on the Availability tab.

  2. Select the Store from the drop-down list.

  3. Click on Preferred.

  4. Place a checkmark in the Not Available column for a day if the employee prefers not to work on that day of the week.

  5. Place a checkmark in the All Day column for a day if the employee has no preferred hours for that day of the week.

  6. To set the preferred hours that the employee would like to work for a day:

    1. Remove the checkmarks from the Not Available and All Day columns for the day.

    2. Set the time from when the employee is prefers to work in the Available Hours From column.

    3. Set the time up to which the employee prefers to work in the Available Hours To column.

  7. Click on the Save button.

  8. Click on the OK button in the confirmation pop-up box A box with a prompt that opens up when you click certain links or buttons in Clearview..