
Labour - Employees - List Active Employees - Update Employee Information

Job & Pay tab

To add a new job for the employee:

  1. Click on the Job & Pay tab.

  2. Click on the Create button.

  3. Select a Job from the drop-down list in the Employee Job & Pay Changes window.

  4. Click on Calendar Icon to select the Effective Date.

  5. Select the Pay Type from the drop-down list.

  6. Select the Piece Label* from the drop-down list.

  7. Enter the Hourly Rate*, Pay Rate*, Bi-Weekly Salary* and Bi-Weekly Hours*, or Pay per Shift*.

  8. Change the Status to Inactive if you don't want the job to be assigned to the employee at present.

  9. Place a checkmark next to Primary if this will be the employee's primary job.

  10. Click on the Add button.