
Labour - Employees - Employee Data Import

To import the data from your payroll app:

  1. Select Import New File from the Import Options drop-down list.

  2. In the Import Employee Data window:

    1. Select your payroll package from the Source drop-down list.

      ClosedIf your payroll package is not listed among the options:

      1. Select Generic CSV from the Source drop-down list.

      2. Click on the Download Excel Template button.

      3. Open the downloaded import_csv_template.csv file.

      4. Copy and paste your employee information into the correct columns of the import_csv_template.csv file.

        The data in the file must be in the correct format, else the file will get rejected.

        Click on the View Generic Specifications button in the Import Employee Data window for details to ensure the format is correct.

      5. Save the file and note its location.

    2. Click on the Browse button and navigate to the folder containing the employee data file. exported from your payroll app The application or software used by your organization to manage payroll..

    3. Select the employee data file.

    4. Select or enter the default (that will be applied to everyone in the file being imported) for each of fields displayed on the page.

    5. Click on the Import button. Your employees will now appear in the holding area.

  3. Click Update next to each employee to edit the data being imported.

    indicates that there's data missing in at least one field for the employee.

  4. Edit the fields, as desired, in the Update Employee Information window (see edit an electronic employee file for details).

    ClosedTo exclude employees from the data being imported:

    1. Place a checkmark in the box in the first column for each employee you want to exclude.

    2. Select Remove selected employees from the Import Options drop-down list.

    ClosedTo cancel the import process for all employees being imported:

    • Select Remove all employees from the Import Options drop-down list.

    ClosedTo import only some employees from the data displayed:

    1. Place a checkmark in the box in the first column for each employee you want to import.

    2. Ensure that the data is complete for each of the employees being imported (there's no next to any of the employees being imported).

    3. Select Import selected employees from the Import Options drop-down list.

    ClosedTo import all employees from the data displayed:

    1. Address all the Errors/Warnings listed at the bottom of the page.

    2. Once you've addressed all the Errors/Warnings, select Import All Employees Without Errors or Warnings from the Import Options drop-down list.

    ClosedTo ignore warnings and import all employees from the data displayed:

    • Use this option if the warnings are deemed acceptable (like if you actually have 2 employees with the same name).

    1. Address all the Errors listed at the bottom of the page.

    2. Once you've addressed all the Errors, select Import All Employees Without Errors from the Import Options drop-down list.

Your payroll app The application or software used by your organization to manage payroll. may not contain all the employee data that you maintain. To add more information to the electronic employee files you will have to edit each electronic file individually. Click on Skip Manually Create Employee File to jump straight to the edit instructions.