Manual Build To's: Create Purchase Order
To create a PO Purchase Order:
Select the Area* and Store from the drop-down list(s).
Select the Supplier from the drop-down list.
Select the Order Grouping from the drop-down list if required.
Order grouping is preset groups of supplier products that are normally ordered in the same PO Purchase Order.
Click here to learn how to create or edit an order group in Suppliers.
Select the Order Date for the PO Purchase Order from the drop-down calendar.
Select the date on which the supplier is expected to deliver the order from the Expected Delivery Date drop-down calendar.
This date will be auto-populated if the delivery schedule for the supplier is available in CLEARVIEW.
Click here to learn where to find the delivery schedule for the Supplier.
Select the next day the supplier generally delivers from the Next Delivery Date drop-down calendar and select whether the delivery happens before noon or after noon.
This date will be auto-populated if the delivery schedule for the supplier is available in CLEARVIEW.
Click here to learn where to find the delivery schedule for the Supplier.
Select Do not use suggested ordering from the Suggested Ordering options.
Enter any notes to the supplier in Supplier Memo if required.
Enter any notes for internal use in Internal Memo if required.
Click on the Create New button.